Welcome to the official Techweek Toronto schedule page.

Check back often:
Be sure and check back often since many events, including most speaker sessions, networking, and community workshops tend to be added in the weeks just prior to Techweek!

Create your personal schedule
  • If you haven’t already, please create a sched account and login (choose sign-up in the top right corner to create an account)
  • On this page, click or hover over each Techweek event you intend to attend, and click "Add to My Sched" to RSVP.  
Note: some events have limited capacity, and you may be waitlisted

Transferring tickets and creating schedules for other ticket holders: 
  • If you purchased 2 or more tickets, the other ticket holders will need to create their own schedules. 
  • If you did not provide the email addresses of these other ticket holders during the EventBrite ticket purchase, you will need to transfer these tickets:

  1. Go to eventbrite.com/mytickets. Log on and transfer each ticket to the appropriate ticket holder by changing the name and/or email address of each ticket.
  2. Each ticket holder will get an automated email instructions on how to go to Sched (this page) in order to set up their individual schedule. 

If you have any problems or issues, you can contact us at info@techweek.com, or chat to us directly using the chat function on techweek.com

-Team Techweek 

John Nestor

Software Technology Executive
Wednesday, July 27

11:00am EDT

1:00pm EDT

Thursday, July 28

8:30am EDT

9:05am EDT

9:35am EDT

11:00am EDT

11:50am EDT

12:25pm EDT

1:15pm EDT

2:05pm EDT

2:40pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

5:00pm EDT